Course ID: IAK-SM>2866.2.E
Course title: GREEN URBANISM
Semester: 2 / Winter
Lectures/Classes: 30 / 45 hours
Field of study: Landscape Architecture
Study cycle: 2nd cycle
Type of course: optional
Prerequisites: Basics of engeneering graphics
Contact person: dr inż. arch. Justyna Rubaszek;
Short description: Project with polish students and presentations
Full description: Main issues of lectures: Sustainable and resilient development of urban areas in the context of climate, environmental and social changes; Sustainable and resilient development of urban areas in the context of climate, environmental and social changes; Greenery in the planning of urbanized areas, standards of shaping green areas, availability of public green areas; Ecological housing estates, elological districts; Eco-transformations of urbanized areas; Green and blue infrastructure of urban areas - connectivity, multifunctionality, itintegration and social participation; Elements of green infrastructure; Planning and designing green infrastructure at various spatial scales; The role of green infrastructure in shaping cities resistant to climate change.the topic of design classes: Project for the development of a green infrastructure system in a selected area of the city.
Bibliography: Austin G. 2014. Green Infrastructure for Landscape Planning. Integrating Human & Natural Systems. London / New York: Routledge; 2. Green cities of Europe. Global Lesson on Green Urbanisme 2012. T. Beatley (ed.). Washington / Covelo / London: Island Press; 3. Lernes de Oliveira F. 2016. Green Wedge Urbanism: history, theory & contemporary practice. New York: Bloomsbury Publishing Company; 4. Solarek K. 2019. Urban Design in Town Planning. Current Issues and Dilemmas from the Polish and European Perspective.Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
Learning outcomes: Knowledge: Student has the knowleadge of the sustainable and resilient shaping of urban areas with particular emphasis on green infrastructure; the relationship between environmental, climate, social challenges and the need of sustainable and resilient shaping of urbanized areas. Skills: Student is able to perform pre-design analyzes and prepare a concept for the development of green infrastructure for a selected area of the city. Student is ready to cooperation and presentation his ideas.
Assessment methods and assessment criteria: project, oral presentation, test

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